Saturday, January 5, 2013


So last night I was browsing online for weights when I came across an ad from Dick's Sporting Goods in the Valley. $189 for 300 pounds of Olympic weights and a bench for $59.

I called.

"Yeah man, looking right at them. Awesome equipment." says the zealous salesman.
"So the price is right? $189 and $59, because I live in Mead and the drive is far and I want to make sure."
"Yup. $189 and $59"

So I hop in our mini van, drive the almost 30 miles and arrive. Almost skipping. The final ingredients are about to be acquired. But wait.....................

$225 and $89? What the EFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Um, can you get me the salesman who works in this department, I spoke to him about 40 minutes ago, he said these prices were VERY different."

#R$@%%#^ Never mind. I do not feel like writing the rest of this because it makes me angry.
I did not get the final ingredients. Patience Jon. Patience Jon. Patience Jon.

So I got home and sat in a metal folding chair and did like 40 shoulder presses with a bar that had no weight.

The scary part is my shoulders are very sore today. Not a good sign.

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