Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's alive... It's ALIVE!!!

I am not saying that marriage, almost fifteen years of it and all wonderful, nor am I saying that 2 daughters, again, all wonderful... I am not saying that this equation of marriage and children equal the departure of man-dome.

But I am saying that this equation re-arranges the pecking order of priorities and places the need to maintain the things necessary to feel mannish into the junk drawer of life. You rarely go there and when you do, you shuffle things around and then leave frustrated because you could not find what it was you were looking for.

So is this experiment of mine simply a spring cleaning of the junk drawer? Am I using this desire to be able to bench press 400 pounds as an excuse to be able to say I am working on something manly? Because I believe I have lost the majority of myself in this drawer?

I am surrounded by women and I believe that I was slowly turning into a woman. Do not laugh. I truly believe that I was morphing not only into a misshapen Dr. Seuss character, but I was also becoming a woman.

So yes, this need to bench press 400 pounds is a life-ring thrown deep into my soul. Into my internal bottom drawer where all the things you have lost can never be found. I am lighting the flare. I write this with excitement because what I originally started as almost a joke, has become something very deep to me. I have found that little bit of myself that was lost. I have realized a healing process. A magical elixir flashlight that shines brightly into the drawer and exposes the shivering, huddled mass that was my manhood.

While yes, I did just recently build a Barbie condominium out of an old bookshelf for my daughters, and yes I do love Project Runway and flipping through Elle magazine and quietly, inwardly judging the outfits, this goal of mine has taken on a new life and I have found my manhood again. In the drawer. In the back. In a fetal position looking hungry and angry at me. I begin a wicked laugh and look to the sky........

"It's alive.... Oh yes, IT'S ALIVE!!!!!!!"

Yesterday I benched 265 pound in my cold laboratory. 3 full manly, growling presses at 265 pounds baby.

Welcome back man.


Carl K. said...

Freaking LOVE this blog! Man :)

Thumbelina said...

I have 4 daughters. Talk about my manliness ran away 12 years ago. Has probably started a new life somewhere. Shooting skeet, drinking whiskey, kicking dogs. While I just finished sewing my daughters ripped skirt. WTF!!

Fred said...

Marriage = Slavery!

Jessie said...

Great post man.

400by45 said...

Someone emailed me this and I want to share it - 'Close the drawer and leave the manliness there. For the sake of your marriage! Manliness is overrated and when you realize that, when you stop looking for your old self, you will find a new appreciation for what your wife and your daughters have made you become.'

So very deep.

Anonymous said...

I completely feel the same way. I think I will find my own challenge, just mine and go for it like you are!